Standard Contracts

Standard Contracts

The judges looking for the contractor who utilize the e-contracting platform effectively and truly, with a variety of contracts and types, which will raise awareness of the use of technology in the sector.

The judges will look for criteria of excellence in the use of the TA’AQUD platform through the following Conditions:

  1. Contracting through the electronic contracting service on the contractor platform through the contractor's personal page, the icon of model contracts
  2. Use a minimum of 25 standard contracts to enter the competition.
  3. Participation in workshops for contracts that are held periodically.
  4. Contracts must be genuine and all contracting, and documentation steps completed.

The Winner selection criteria as follows:

  • The largest number of contracts concluded on the platform is fully considered.
  • If the number of concluded contracts is equal, the diversity of contracts will be considered.
  • If the number of contracts and the types used are equal, the priority of achieving the number of contracts concluded will be considered.

 Note that the winner will be selected by the SCA and no need to apply any application for this category.

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Anas Bin Malek Road، Al Malqa, Riyadh 13525

Saudi Contractors Authority © 2024